ID-10058127 Free digitalphotos.netOne of my goals for 2013 was, and still is, to work harder.  “Work harder,” it sounds easy but requires a lot of effort. This includes being intentional with my actions and spending more time on the areas where I am lacking. Here are some things I’ve been working harder on doing better and the lessons I’ve learned in the process.

1. Say no and bow out with grace. It took some practice but I learned to pay more attention to my personal & business goals. So now, if something is not a good fit I can say so without hesitation and a clear explanation if needed. I’ve had to bow out of activities/groups that were eating up my time and negatively affecting other priorities. For you that may mean hanging with your friends a little less until you get that project done. At the end of the day you control who and what you give your time to, make it count.

2. Be intentional AND take action. Talk is cheap, if you don’t take the necessary steps to reach your goals you will always be where you are. Writing goals and action items down works best for me. I keep everything in one place so I can track my progress. Find a system that works for you and get moving.

3. Make yourself a priority. I have built in times in my day and week that are dedicated to me. Time to read, exercise, cook and do the things that I love. My schedule is always hectic but making me a priority keeps me balanced.

So the take away is, Say no to the things that distract you, take steps toward the things that you desire and always make time for yourself.

If you practice these tips you will feel better, rest easier and save yourself a lot of unnecessary stress. If you’ve slacked off on your goals, I challenge you to reexamine them and get back on track. I hope you find this post helpful. Feel free to weigh in with your thoughts and suggestions on working harder.

Until Next Time… Be Well,
Benardett (, Creator of Sénica Products
Celebrating a Natural. Beautiful. You.

Image courtesy of “Just2shutter”/

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