Word: Zanndoli
Definition: tree lizard
Pronunciation: pronounced zan-doh-lee
Part of Speech: noun
Stay tuned for the second word in the Dominican Creole series.
Natural. Beautiful. You.,
Ben.ar.dett, Creator of Sénica Products
Word of the Month: Dominican Creole is designed to introduce the Kwèyòl (Creole) language of the Commonwealth of Dominica, the inspiration for the Sénica product line. For more information on Dominica, visit www.dominica.dm Learn a new Creole word every month with the Word of the Month: Dominican Creole series. This initiative began in February 2011. A new series is held annually and the duration is determined by the proverb, phrase or words selected. In 2014, we transition to a week-long focus with daily posts sharing a new Creole word along with the definition, part of speech and pronunciation of that word. Stay tuned at www.senicanaturals.com/blog