My journey to Sénica started because of eczema and dermatitis. Things got worse when it spread to my scalp. The tips in this post are from people like myself who have personal experience in dealing with and surviving two common scalp issues, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.
Jonna of Naturally Glam – seborrheic dermatitis tips:
I suffer with a form of seborrheic dermatitis as a result of overproduction of sebum. That’s when the excess oil that my scalp produces dries, it forms a layer of flakes on my scalp. My advice is to keep the scalp clean, either by using shampoo or some sort of clarifier like an apple cider vinegar rinse. I always use a leave-in conditioner and seal with oil before applying a styling product to my hair to keep it moisturized since I have to cleanse so often (2-3 times a week sometimes).
Christina of The Mane Objective on Psoriasis of the Scalp
There is hope for surviving scalp issues of seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis regardless of your hair type and texture.
So glean from these tips and check out these other posts for more hair tips, 3 Tips for Managing Scalp Seborrheic Dermatitis. You may also find this Mayo Clinic article helpful, Scalp psoriasis vs. seborrheic dermatitis: What’s the difference?
Thank you to Jonna and Christina for sharing their hair care tips for problem scalp. You can connect with them here, Jonna of Naturally Glam,; Christina Patrice of The Mane Objective,
Do you deal with scalp issues? What tips would you add?
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Click to Tweet: Scalp issues got you down? Try these tips on dealing with scalp dermatitis and psoriasis from @senicanaturals
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Natural. Beautiful. You.®,
Benardett, Creator of Sénica® Products