The true test of my commitment is how I react under pressure.
Today was a day. That’s all I can say to sum it up. Not really, there is more to be said. The day started off bright, I was set up at our French Market booth and all was going well. Then, the weather happened…
“First hurricane rain & winds now hail storms. What more could we ask for at the French Market. #nola“ via @senicanaturals at around 2:00pm
Wind, Rain & Hail at the French Market New Orleans 6/7/11
Although I was happy for the rain, I didn’t like the idea of being under an open shed with heavy winds, rain spouts AND hail. It was obvious that the weather would get worse before it got better, so I decided to break the booth down a bit. As I proceeded to minimize my set up, a mighty, gushing stream of wind, rain and hail rolled through my section of the market and before your knew it, the entire Sénica setup was on the ground, drenched in rain water.
“Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, was all I could say. I had no feelings about the situation. I have learned to roll with the punches. Fellow market vendors were trying to recoup the tables as I looked at them and said, “Thanks, but it’s already down and I rather the products be on the ground than me or you.” I’ve replayed the situation in my mind a few times and it seemed as if every time we tried to move the set up, there was an invisible person holding a fire hose and hail machine. And, when I would get close to the setup, the foreman that controlled that invisible person would holler “LET IT RIP!” [Yes, I have an active imagination. It keeps me sane.]
Imagine getting pelted with hail. Can’t imagine that? Then take a look at this hail from today’s storm and multiply it by 100. Then, imagine you are standing in the line of fire.
Who needs ice when there's hail?!
I was able to recoup and set up again. It was a little tedious throwing out the testers, setting up new ones and fielding questions at the same time, but the day ended beautifully. I could have easily packed up and went home. But, I am so glad I stuck with my commitment to be at the market today. I met some great people after the storm and made some new clients. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and made a purchase. You added a ray of sunshine to my rainy day! Welcome to the Sénica family.
Well, that’s all for now folks. I’m about to wash this stormy weather off with a Lanbéli soap bar. Then, a cup of warm tea courtesy of my visiting Mom. Hope you had a great day!
Until Next Time… Stay Dry,
Natural. Beautiful You.