We’re celebrating the 8th year of Sénica. Thank you for your support. Every product you’ve purchased and friend you’ve told about Sénica is truly appreciated. And if you’re new to the family, welcome!
To celebrate I’ve created an exclusive offer for you. Receive 15% off your next order with code “C815”. This offer ends on Saturday, October 10th.
As always, thank you for allowing me into your inbox. Let’s connect soon.
With Sincere Appreciation,
Benardett, Creator of Sénica® Products
Natural. Beautiful. You.®,
Sénica (pronounced SAY-NEEKA) specializes in natural skin and hair care products with a focus on solutions for eczema, dry skin, and hair. Inspired by the Caribbean islands of Dominica & St. Croix, U.S.V.I. Made in New Orleans. We invite you to explore our collection and celebrate a Natural. Beautiful. You. Learn more about our story here, http://senicanaturals.com/