We’re excited to announce the addition of ZukaBaby in New Orleans, LA to our lineup of Senica retailers. Now you can shop your favorite skin and hair care products that is safe for mom and baby at ZukaBaby. Erin and her team would be happy to assist you.

zukababy logo red

Senica Bodycare Products Now Available at ZukaBaby

Erin Zuka Baby Owner

Erin, ZukaBaby Owner


About ZukaBaby
ZukaBaby, offers environmentally and socially responsible products and provide support to families seeking natural solutions to modern parenting.

2122 Magazine St.
New Orleans, LA 70130
Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 12pm-5pm

Would you like to have Senica products available at a store or boutique near you? Drop us a line at senicanaturals (at) gmail.com or 504-355-1346 and we’d be happy to reach out to them. View all retail locations here http://senicanaturals.com/retail-locations/

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