If you’re reading this, you’ve been blessed to see another year. For many, a new year means making resolutions that are abandoned as hastily as they were made. I am not big on making resolutions. However, I do believe self improvement is a good and necessary thing.
Every year, I challenge myself to work on improving in ways that are important to me. That may mean nurturing relationships through intentional actions like sending a handwritten note or planning calls to reconnect with people I’ve lost touch with. Or, it may be a more general objective to be consistent with the actions required to accomplish professional and personal goals. I sometimes have a short attention span for the mundane, so projects that are long term and repetitive stretch me because they require a renewed sense of zeal and determination.
Self care is also important. Can I be honest with you? I’ve dropped the ball on this. I have dropped the self care ball to the point where it has hit the floor, rolled down a rabbit hole, and is on its way to the inner core of the Earth. While, this may be a bit exaggerated, I’ve decided to revisit the New Year. New You. theme we did a few years ago.
Here’s the plan, I’ll be sharing tips on the blog twice a week on how you can make self care a bigger part of your life in 2016 – for your skin, your home, your life, and more. These tips will be actionable and simple. So, whether you’re a busy mom with mischievous toddlers, retired with a little time to spare, got your life together, or need a little help, I hope you’ll join me on this journey to a new you.
In the meantime, I’d love to hear how you’re challenging yourself this year and/or if you’d like me to cover a specific topic. Leave your comment below.
Thank you for stopping by.
Natural. Beautiful. You.®,
Benardett, Creator of Sénica® Products