Did you know juicing can keep you looking and feeling great?! That’s right. Growing up, my Mom would juice fruits and veggies for us. Now juicing is mainstream and I think that’s wonderful.
Here’s a juice blend I’m currently loving and some of the benefits of each ingredient.
Apples lowers bad cholesterol, aids in bone health, aids in intestinal health and keeps your regular (T.M.I., I know
Ginger – reduces inflammation, used often as a cold remedy, is a fever reducer, decongestant and antihistamine, stimulates blood circulation and helps relax muscles
Cranberry – high in antioxidants
Celery – helps control high blood pressure, high calcium content calms the nerves
Parsley – aids in digestion and minimizes gas and bloating
Cilantro – is a natural cleansing agent and used by naturopaths to bind toxic metals in the body, it has strong antioxidant capabilities, believe to aid in heart health and helps improve sleep quality
Juice all the ingredients to taste and enjoy! Let me know if you try it.
Do you juice? What’s your favorite recipe? Please share below, we’d love to try it.
Make today awesome #juicing #art #senicasays #beautyfromtheinside #apple #ginger #cranberry #celery #parsley #cilantro
If you like to cook, make juice and such, follow me om Instagram for more, @senicanaturals.
Disclaimer: I cook to taste so much things I share do not have measurements.
Until Next Time… Be Well,Ben.ar.dett, Creator of Senica Products
Natural. Beautiful. You.