How To Get Fabulous Skin Right Now

Have you ever been disappointed about how your skin looks? Do you wait until a special occasion to pamper you skin? Or maybe you don’t take stock of things until a skin flare up occurs. You’re not alone. These easy tips will show you how to get fabulous skin right now, for the fabulous glow you crave.

1. Eat well. The foods we eat are a top contributing factor to our overall health. Have you ever been in a food slump? Low energy, emotions, and dull skin? It’s not a good feeling. Be sure you’re getting consistent servings of fruits, vegetables, and other vital nutrients to guarantee your optimal health. This post,, shares tips on what to eat for radiant skin.

2. Create a go-to skin care regimen for your face and body. Wash and moisturize regularly, exfoliate as needed. This tip varies based on your concerns. For example, if you deal with clogged pores, on your face and chest, you may consider doing a weekly facial steam or warm compress to open up your pores. Follow up with a cleansing mask to absorb oil and impurities.
If you struggle with keratosis pilaris, you may incorporate dry brushing or exfoliating to get the affected areas a little smoother.

3. Keep your routine simple. Less is more sometimes. If your product application in is in the double digits, it may be time for an overhaul. You can’t really tell what’s working for you if you use a ton of lotions, potions, and pipe dreams every day. Plus, too much manipulation of your skin can be more harm than good. Consider using 1-4 products at most and save other treatments for your pampering sessions.

4. Drink water like your life depends on. Newsflash, it actually does. Moisture helps the appearance and flexibility of your skin. It also helps to flush toxins out of your body. Now that’s a win-win for fabulous skin, don’t you think?

5. Sweat, sweat, baby. (Please say this in your best Vanilla Ice voice.) Get your heart rate up with a workout. There are so many benefits to exercise including riding the body of toxins, improving heart health, and let’s not forget providing a natural glow to the skin. If you’re not a fan of getting physical, consider adding short brisk walks to your beauty routine as you “Step It Up To Stay Lovely.”

These tips might seem like no-brainers but can save you a lot of time and headache down the line. Remember, beauty starts from the inside. Make the intentional choices to reflect that beauty.

Click to Tweet: “Beauty starts from the inside. Make the intentional choices to reflect that beauty.” – Benardett via @senicanaturals

It’s your turn, what practical tips would you share for keeping your skin fabulous? Please comment below, I’d love to read.

As with all things, use precautions and consult with you doctor or other professional before undertaking any lifestyle changes.

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Recommended Reading

Step It Up To Stay Lovely

What To Eat for Radiant Skin

The No Sweat Workout: Exercise Without Getting Sweaty!

Dr. Gourmet– learn how to eat better

Natural. Beautiful. You.®,
Benardett, Creator of Sénica® Products


  1. alegnasoap says:

    Great tips. I’ll add get enough sleep. My skin looks better when I get 8 hours.

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