“You’re Invited” to a dinner party, brunch, Thanksgiving meal, Christmas dinner. You may be thinking about what to wear or what to bring. While these are important, don’t forget to carry yourself with grace and class. You probably don’t need a reminder, but I’m sharing anyway.
Stand out and keep your name on the invite list for the next event
1. Show up on time. If you’re running late, then be sure to inform the host of your late arrival. This is most important for sit down or plated events.
2. Don’t be wasteful. For self-serve events, take what you are able to eat and be considerate when sampling something new. If you’ve never tried a certain kind of food, then take a teeny-tiny sample. You can always get more if you like it. But don’t be that person who throws away food. It is insulting to the cook, and there are too many starving people in the world to be that careless.
3. Don’t be greedy. Growing up in St. Croix, we had a saying that I heard often, “Act like you have an owner.” Carry yourself with some decorum.
If you know you’re always hungry, then have a light snack before the event.
Have you ever been at an event where people stock up on the leftovers like they’re grocery shopping, and the price tag on everything is FREE? Don’t be that person. There are times where your host may invite everyone to take some food to go. In instances like that it’s okay, but don’t invite yourself.
4. Say thank you. Gratitude is always in season. The truth is you didn’t have to be invited.
5. Bring a gift or send a gift shortly after the event. I love to write and send cards by mail. There is something classy and personal about it, and it is becoming a lost art in this world of tech.
You set yourself apart by saying thank you with a note or a small gift. Flowers are always a nice touch. I also recommend these gift options from Sénica.
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While these are not the golden rules of dos and don’ts, it is a good start. What are your tips on being a gracious guest? Please take a moment to share in the comments.
Natural. Beautiful. You.®,
Benardett, Creator of Sénica® Products
Photo Source: One Kings Lane
It’s always easy to overstay one’s welcome, especially after such a good meal. However, remember that staying too long and leaving too early never goes unnoticed.